Outlander Sites ~ Scotland

My love for Scotland began when I was in grade school and had a project where I wrote about and highlighted a country-I chose Scotland. I mostly remember sharing pictures of the beautiful countryside and the bagpipers. During the pandemic, I started watching the Outlander series, and well, as they say- the rest is history. My love and desire to travel to Scotland was forever forged!  

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Strawberry Fields - Part 2 of Beatles Tour with Jackie

Below is the Strawberry Fields portion of our Beatles Tour day with Jackie. Although the entire day was amazing- this was probably my favorite place. It was such a peaceful area-  and very John focused- you could feel his presence everywhere. I hope to be able to visit again someday. It definitely has a magical vibe. Enjoy...

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Beatles Tour with Jackie - Part 1

Slowly but surely continuing to work on putting my photos from the trip into videos.  Below is Part 1 of our Beatles tour with Jackie Spencer- which was a truly amazing day!! I have decided that the Strawberry Fields portion deserved its own video so that will be my next project.  Until then, this is the rest of our Beatles tour... Enjoy! Peace & Love

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Photos of The Cotswolds

I am finally back at it- and have gotten our next photo montage together.  Going to the Cotswolds has been a dream of mine for years~ and it did not disappoint. The English countryside is heavenly. I hope these photos & videos provide at least a small glimpse into this peaceful and beautiful place. Enjoy...

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Westminster Abbey

We visited Westminster Abbey on our final day in London. What a glorious and beautiful experience. There was so much to see and I know we missed a lot. I hope this photo montage does it some justice and you can somewhat get a feel for the experience. Enjoy. 

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White Cliffs of Dover pictures

This was probably the video montage I was most looking forward to creating. One of the biggest reasons I wanted to see the White Cliffs spawned from this song, my love for 1940's music and WWII history.  This was by far one of my favorite days in Europe! These cliffs were one of the most beautiful places I've seen on this earth!! 

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Jack the Ripper Tour Pictures

On our Monday night in London, we took a Jack the Ripper tour. It was fascinating to be in the Whitechapel area of London and walk the streets where these notorious murders took place. Although many of the buildings that were there in the late 1800's are no longer in existence, the area itself still has a 19th century feel in many ways. I didn't take a lot of photos, I realized after the fact, and I actually had to go back and do research on what some of the photos represented. In doing this, I came across a YouTube video of the very tour we took with the same guide. He was quite engaging with a touch of theatrics to make it more interesting. I am going to attach a link to the video here for anyone interested. He does ask for the 'cameraman' to stop recording towards the end as he prepares to share his experience as a 'Ripperologist', some of the descendants he has known, and provides his theory of who the murderer was. If you haven't seen the Johnny Depp movie "From Hell" ~ I highly recommend it. This movie follows the same theory as our tour guide holds, and is actually quite scandalous if indeed true. I have found in my reading journeys of several books by different authors, that each person's story can really hold weight as you read their case for their individual theory. Here lies the explanation for the continued fascination and mystery of the Jack the Ripper murders.

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Monday in London 05/22/23

Monday 05/22/2023 ~Monday's adventures include a Tour of The Tower of London, Lunch at The Hung Drawn & Quartered pub, and wandering through an old church turned garden. 

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